LifeTakira ColemanComment

Making up for lost time

LifeTakira ColemanComment
Making up for lost time

The following are excerpts from a very long journal entry in which I summarized days 4-6 in Chile.

February 23, 2016 @ 6pm | Mi Casa (Viña del Mar)

Part I

Random Thoughts


How does one make up for lost time? It's not even possible. Well, I guess if you wanted, you could try to spend as much time as possible doing whatever it is that you were supposed to be doing, but even then I feel like you’re just filling in current time slots as opposed to filling up the ones in the past. You can never make up for lost time. It’s just simply not a thing. I don’t know why I just went on that short rant, but let’s get back to journaling.

So it’s been two days since I’ve journaled. Yeah, I know. I’m awful, but I was too sleepy last night and the night before to actually jot my thoughts down like a normal human being. Well perhaps not normal, cause most people probably don’t journal, so let’s just a normal Takira. This is my 3rd day in Viña del Mar and I’m really enjoying it. I think I should probably leave soon to grab something to eat so I won’t die tonight [this adulting thing is tough], but so good.


Part II

Recap of Day Four


Let’s see, on the first day, I got somewhat settled into my apartment (meaning I showered/changed/kinda unpacked). We went to Sophia’s apartment to get her settled in. Shortly after, we went to the mall. It was not like I expected at all. And we discovered this amazing department store called Ripley. They have the cutest clothes there and I wanted to replace everything in my closet with them. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to cop some new clothes here. I really just want an entirely new outfit. Maybe a jacket, pants, new top, and some shoes. Or maybe an entire collection. Who knows, either way...I’ll be good to go. After window-shopping (because I’m broke), we ate dinner at a pizza place in the mall and got A LOT of stares. It really made me wanna get up and say “What’s wrong? You ain’t ever seen a black person before?” Lololol. I’m pretty sure that Sophie and I seem like an odd combination but still, don’t stare. Staring is rude. [Here, in Chile, staring is not considered to be rude. Or maybe it is. But if it is, you would not be able to tell. I kid you not.]

How I feel when people stare at me (photo taken in Valparaiso, Chile)

How I feel when people stare at me (photo taken in Valparaiso, Chile)

After dinner and some more clothes stalking, I eventually made my way back home because it was finally getting dark. I think a general rule of thumb is that I need to leave anywhere I am around 8:30 or 9:00 before it gets too dark. Although I did feel pretty safe walking home last night around 9:30. I don’t remember much about my first night in general other than the fact that I Facetimed my grandparents, immediate family, and my boo...until 4am. What. In. The World.


Part III

Recap of Day Five


So yesterday, I woke up around 12, showered, slowly got dressed, blah blah blah. I ate a small snack before heading out to meet Sophie at a park that’s halfway in between both of our apartments. (Pause. I am freezing right now. Who knew that 70 degree weather could be so cold? Brrr.) It’s definitely fall time weather here. I didn’t exactly pack for that, so I probably really need to make it a priority that I buy more long-sleeved tops, scarves, and a jacket. I keep getting sidetracked while trying to write this journal. Smh. Long story short, we went to the beach for the first time and it was really nice to see the more touristy side of Viña because when we first got here, I was like “Aww, this is cute, but I’m not in awe.” However, after going to the beach, I was completely sold on the idea that I chose the perfect place to study abroad. The city of Viña has a small town feel with all of luxuries that a bigger city has to offer. Bands come here for concerts, there are huge malls, and you also have the beach. How much better can life get? It can’t.

Selfies at the beach in Viña del Mar

Selfies at the beach in Viña del Mar

Part IV

Day Six Journal


I am currently in my room drinking wine that I was able to buy myself. I will not be able to say that about myself in America until a little less than 10 months from now. That’s so crazy. I literally went into the grocery store and bought wine. And now I am at home drinking it. This is so surreal.



- Sincerely, Takira