LifeTakira ColemanComment

My first trip to Valparaíso

LifeTakira ColemanComment
My first trip to Valparaíso

I Don’t Know What Day It Is - I’m Actually Really Bad At This

February 28, 2016 @ 8 pm | Mi Casa (Viña del Mar)


I can’t even tell you the last time I journaled without having to count the days. Also, I’m pretty sure that today is either Monday or Tuesday but I really can’t guarantee you anything at this point. Living in another country and having nothing to do is really boring. Relaxing, but boring. I wish I had people to hang out with. But at this point, everything is still just boring. I don’t really remember enough of what happened in days prior to this, but the other day I went to lunch at Paulina’s parents’s house. It was pretty awesome.

Loreto (roommate's older sister), Takira (me), and Paulina (roommate)

Loreto (roommate's older sister), Takira (me), and Paulina (roommate)

They have a cute house in Jardin del Mar, Reñaca. It’s so adorable and it definitely seems like a place in which I wouldn’t mind living. I especially like their living room and terrace because oddly enough, they actually have a really great view of their neighbor’s backyard (no sarcasm). Their neighbors have a pool and small green area. That just makes me so happy...probably because I love water. And like Trey Songz, I was ready to diiiiive in. Whoaaah.

Backyard pool view

Backyard pool view

*Whoops, my bad. Back to journaling.*

It was really nice to meet her family. Her dad and sister made me feel welcome. I really didn’t get to talk to her mom much because she actually ate lunch before us. I think they mentioned that she had to get ready for dialysis. But nonetheless, she somewhat reminds me of my mom. And Paulina’s dad reminds me of my grandpa (they’re both war veterans). I’m not sure who her sister reminds me of, but either way, they have a seemingly great family and they really made me feel welcome. Plus, the lunch was A1 [amazing]. Also, they have a maid. What?!

The maid's lovely view from the kitchen.

The maid's lovely view from the kitchen.

The maid served us each course of our 4-ish/5-course meal which consisted of:

  • Bread and wine to drink

  • Shrimp/avocado salad

  • Cazuela (the main dish)

  • Papaya (dessert)

  • Coffee (because coffee)

[Sorry, I didn't take any pictures of the food. I was trying to play things cool.]

It was indeed a great time. We had small talk about my life in the United States, what I expect to get out of my time in Chile, and even my career plans. Also, I learned that her father is a major supporter of Ex-Chilean Dictator, Augusto Pinochet, which would probably make some people feel very uncomfortable. But I don’t know much about history, thus, ignorance is bliss.

Paulina's father shaking the General's hand.

Paulina's father shaking the General's hand.

Not too long after dinner, we went to go pick some avocados out of their tree and eventually made our way to the bus stop heading to Valparaiso.

Loreto picking avocados out of the tree

Loreto picking avocados out of the tree

Valparaíso is such a lovely city. It reminds me of Lisbon in the sense that there are so many hills. However, unlike Lisbon’s 7 hills, Valparaíso has 42 more or less. On every single hill there are many side streets and colorful buildings decorated with murals and graffiti street art.

Street art in Valpo

Street art in Valpo

Normally, I’m not a big fan of graffiti because I think painting on buildings is distasteful/raunchy/unnecessary, but I really do admire the artwork that I’ve witnessed in Valpo. It’s truly a sight to see. I took lots of great photos there. And the only thing that I regret is not bringing my DSLR camera.

Probably the best iPhone photo I've ever taken.

Probably the best iPhone photo I've ever taken.

Also, I had a real churro for the first time ever and it was amazeballs. It somewhat tasted like a funnel cake and I was surprised to see that they sold another version (churros rellenos) which are filled with manjar (dulce de leche). CHILEANS LOVE MANJAR. If there are two things they’ll put on anything, that’s mayonnaise and manjar. Hopefully, not together, although I wouldn’t put it past anyone.

Churros in Valpo

Churros in Valpo

But anywho, I’ve got to go now. Time to do some adulting. Meh.


Until next time: Check out a few more views of Valparaiso through the lens of my iPhone.

- Sincerely, Takira