Affirmations to live by

Affirmations to live by
Death and life are in the power of the tongue...
— Proverbs 18:21

Something that has never sat right with me is how quick we are to put down not only others, but also ourselves. If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone profess that they are "just not good enough" or that "things never work out" for them I'd be on the next flight to Tokyo. (No, seriously. Try me.) Hello...wake up and smell the coffee! If you say things will never work out for you, of course they won't cause you don't even believe in yourself. If there is one thing that I would tell my younger self and even the whole wide world, it's this right here:

Your words hold power.

Whether you like it or not the words you speak affect your growth spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Don't be so quick to condemn, complain, or even criticize another. Not even yourself.

you are worthy.png

There are many activities that we can partake in to improve our thinking (meditating, reading, journaling, etc). One of my favorite practices to get involved with is speaking life in the form of affirmations. What I like most about professing affirmations is that it's really low maintenance and easy to do. All you have to do is find a comfortable space and begin to speak life. Speak on situations that you feel are out of your control. Make the best out of your situation. You may be surprised with the results.

I advise you to write your own affirmations. Write about what you are hoping to get out of your day or life in general. However, all great writers need some feel free to use the following affirmations as a guide to create your own.

10 Affirmations To Live By:

  1. Happiness begins with me. There is nothing and no one who can take it away.

  2. I am beautiful and deserving of all things good.

  3. There is beauty in my struggle.

  4. I will walk by faith, not by sight.

  5. Every moment is a new opportunity for growth and success.

  6. I am grateful for this moment and find comfort in it.

  7. My individuality is my strength.

  8. I bear fruit that will last.

  9. All things work together for my good.

  10. Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones.

If you feel inclined, please do share this post with friends and others who may need some encouragement. I've even created a gallery of Instagram quotes for your convenience.

Happy affirmation writing! May peace be with you...

- Sincerely, Takira