LifeTakira ColemanComment

Taking Off

LifeTakira ColemanComment
Taking Off


February 17, 2016 @ 7pm | DL 1774 - RDU → ATL


So today is the big day. Sophia and I are on the plane and heading to Atlanta. It still hasn’t really hit me that I’m leaving my family and best friends behind for 5 months. I guess at some point I’ll probably cry or something like that but for now, I’m just really excited, nervous, anxious, giddy, all that and some more. This entire day felt strange and somewhat rushed because well I guess I probably shouldn’t have waited until the last possible minute to pack. That’s my fault though and I’ll own up to it. Let’s see, I woke up at 9, took a shower/washed my hair, packed some, printed out some things, got my hair done, & before you know it it’s 3pm. I had to rush to pack my carry-on, bookbag, and leave the house. To make this experience easier, I totally could’ve started packing a week in advance like I originally planned but hey, life happens. Drove to the airport and frantically searched for bae and Sophia the moment I got there. It was probably more pertinent that I got in contact with her first, but I was tryna see bae, lol. Anyway, it was great to see him & I was glad that he met my family even though the situation was kinda awkward. The hug he gave me warmed my heart and I know my dad was watching like “Lord, have mercy. Who is this?” But...whatevs. I’m thankful and blessed that he is really showing himself to be consistent with his word, he said he was going to see me off and he did.

#Pause. Also: It was cool to see how many people reached out to me today. Especially since I didn’t think people would remember when I’d be leaving.

Altogether, I’m really happy & excited to be on my second trip outside of the United States and I’m looking forward to the wonderful adventures that I’ll take on in Chile.

Lupe [Fiasco] is getting me through this flight though...I don’t think people realize it, but Tetsuo & Youth is a classic…#PauseAgain, why are we already in Atlanta? We’ve only been on this plane for literally 40 minutes...what the actual...oh well. I don’t understand how we got here so fast. We were moving. Oh well, I guess I’ll finish later.
