Dealing with social media

Dealing with social media

Being a younger millennial, social media was a major part of my childhood. My generation was one of the first to grow up with computers and connection to the internet in their rooms!

As someone who’s always been interested in learning about other people, their cultures, and experiences I naturally gravitated to social media at a young age. I was in public chat rooms as early as the 3rd or 4th grade. When me and my friends got home from school, we would rush to chat with each other on AOL Instant Messager (AIM). It didn’t take long before I made my first MySpace. I had to be in 5th grade, and I was scared my parents would find out. Anyone I friended that knew them, I would send a message saying “please don’t tell my dad I’m on here,” lol. Mistake number one. How naive was I?! That’s the easiest way to get caught 😭

Social media has always been a special place to me until things became different.

I’m not gonna be the one to say this, but I’m gonna be the one to say this. I lowkey blame Obama 👀 Nah, it wasn’t him but it was around the beginning of his presidential campaign that social media started to become…weird. People started to use social media platforms as political platforms whether it be to promote for themselves or a candidate they were passionate about. Instead of social media being all fun and games, I witnessed the shift it made when becoming a major news source and a way to learn more about others’ politics, unpopular view points, and dirty little secrets they didn’t want aired out.

It didn’t take long before people started to consider their public image and “personal brand” cringe and then after that, there’s pretty much been a downward spiral.

Although I have been a long time fan of social media and influencers, I am not so in love with what it’s become.

Regarding the cultural side, I am so sick of the never-ending fast paced trends and inside jokes that you would only “get” if you’ve seen said popular meme or trending video. Clout culture and cancel culture are also weird, but I’ll address that later.

On the political side, I am sick of people using their influence to spread fake news, false information, and highlight things about our leaders that should not matter. So what if they can take bomb selfies, post witty comebacks, and have cute OOTDs?! What are they doing to lead our country and communities in the right direction? If I see one more picture of them people prancing through their offices while the world is in crisis, imma lose it.

Lastly, cancel culture and clout culture have to go. I am so tired of my generation (and those behind me) falling in love for images of what people have. Material things do not matter. What that person is saying is stupid, even though they look cute, fly, or whatever you kids are calling them nowadays. Yes, they might have drip but they are also dripping in toxicity…

Another thing: You do not have to have a Pinterest perfect life to be a genuine person. You don’t have to have the latest gear or beauty products to stand out, be you, and be unique. You don’t have to have a BBL, the longest lashes, a snatched waist, and look like you have it altogether because I can guarantee you, you don’t.

I’m saying this because I’ve seen the impact it has on others, and I’ve seen facades/veils being dropped in real life. Some of the biggest influencers only have it together on camera. A lot of the people you see slip up online, have slipped up before, and will slip up again. They are human. They make mistakes. Just like you and I. And if you didn’t know, their 💩 stinks too!

We need to get honest about how we use social media and how it impacts our culture and mental health.

It’s not a fun place anymore. Things are getting weird and people are becoming addicted. Perspectives on reality are warped and I don’t know where we’re going from here…

And if you spend all day mindlessly scrolling on social media, you could become a victim of the algorithm. Do not let these robots and computers manipulate you. You are blessed, unique, and special in your own way. Stop comparing yourself to others and doing what you “should” do to keep up.

We are heading towards the 2-year mark of being in a global pandemic. Many of us are at home and on our phones and social media more than ever. If we are on social media all day, without taking precautions to protect ourselves, I am afraid of what we will become. Thoughts become things and I want us to be and feel better. We need to be more mindful about what we’re consuming and putting out there for others to see. What is real and what actually matters?

Rant over.